Friday, July 22, 2016

A New Adventure

Hello again! This will be my second attempt at creating a blog. I have forgotten the basics, so I will be re-teaching myself with each post I make. I also want to warn y'all that I find writing in this context to be weird as it seems like I'm writing in a diary, except anyone can read it. It's quite possible my writing will come across as awkward. However, it is the easiest way to share pictures and experiences while traveling abroad, so here goes!

Last summer I was very fortunate to spend two months in Spain. (Can I just take a minute to say how much I love Spain? I can't wait to go back someday!) I didn't think I would get a repeat of traveling for such a long period of time again, but it turns out, I was wrong. This summer I am spending one month in Thailand!

Don't ask why I chose Thailand out of all my possible options. It's hard to explain my thought process, but I had a gut feeling that this was a country I needed to see and experience in person. That's the only reason I need.

Thailand is unlike anything I expected, and I really don't have one word to describe it. I can, however, describe the people with one word: generous. It is a very humbling experience to be surrounded by such hospitable and kind people. They go out of their way to make you feel welcome here. One of my main objectives here is to help my host family learn more English, but it would seem their objective is to be the hostess with the mostest. My host family tries to take me to all the sights, shower me with souvenirs/gifts, and make me feel like I'm a part of their family. They are eager to take me around and show me off to all their friends and family members. It's actually a little embarrassing and awkward, as I don't normally like attention. However, it's in their nature to be hospitable and friendly, so I'm learning to not just observe from the sidelines.

When I first arrived, my host mom asked if I had any plans while I was here. I told her that I only wanted to learn about Thai culture and, if possible and time permitting, maybe travel to the north. A few days later, she and her husband called and texted friends to arrange for me to travel north. I tried explaining numerous times that is wasn't necessary, but next thing I knew, I had a bus ticket to Lampang to stay with a friend. I couldn't believe how willing and excited they were to make my wish come true or how open their friend was to letting me, a complete stranger, stay with her family. I was taken aback at their generosity, and the list doesn't stop there. In just a week, I have witnessed one kind act after another, all towards me, to ensure I am having a great time in their country.

In case I'm not getting my point across, here are a few examples of things that have been done for me or given to me since my arrival:

1. A day at Chatuchak Market where my host mom tried to buy everything I admired (She even tried to pick out and buy gifts for my whole family!)
2. A bus ride and accommodations in Lampang
3. A trip to see elephants, which I may or may not write more about later
4. A private tour with the PR director of the museum in Mae Moh while everything was closed to the public, including lunch and a souvenir
5. Food... so much food

And the list goes on! This is definitely turning out to be a trip worth remembering.

Pictures of sights to come soon. :)

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